Does your husband have little things that annoy him? He is not alone! It's always interesting to me that the things that bother my husband, usually go unnoticed by me. Things like bananas. This fruit get sweeter the more it ripens although the outside peel gets darker and darker. Almost black (on the peel) bananas make the best banana bread! But one of my husband's pet peeves is seeing 'rotten bananas' on the counter. I can simply over look them, but it seems to really get under his skin. Dish towels are another issue (apparently)! My dish towels get used alot through the day. A comment was made recently that let me know the dish towel was looking dirty (stained, not dirty!). Again, I could easily overlook this, but it seemed to bother him. What is the right thing to do in this minor tug of war? Although these are minor issues, how they are handled can make it a bigger issue. A good wife knows that a...