Have you ever heard some really bad news? A friend going through a devastating situation, hearing of an illness or death, loss, grief or sadness. Often our first response may be 'you are in our prayers' or ' I'm praying for you '. These words may be simple but can be used in ways that carry very different meanings. Offers of prayer may often be the only thing to say when situations are devastating. But, when followed up by the promise of prayer, the most powerful source of relief is sought after. It comes down to the action part... do we simply say we pray or do we take it to the Lord in prayer. Similar to prayer, our words can be a blessing or a distraction to our Christian walk. Words of blessing and encouragement without actions that match are not very effective. Purposefully using our words can bring great blessing. The Bible has a lot to say about the ways we should use our words. To ENCOURAGE – “Do not let any un...