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Showing posts from February, 2018

Dandelion Latte

Early mornings and coffee are a perfect pair.  Mid morning coffee breaks are a true delight. but an after work relaxing cup of coffee will bring a miserable night of sleeplessness. But there is nothing so cozy and comfortable than a quick break with a mug of a hot beverage.  Hot tea: includes all the ingredients I crave,a time to relax, warmth but I just don't like black tea...or green tea!  I'm experimenting a have found some flavors that are favored and always on the lookout for something new. Dandelion tea is one I read about which has fabulous benefits.  Benefits include: It improves digestion and aids weight loss. It helps to purify the bladder and kidneys. It reduces the risk of urinary tract infections. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamins B and C. It helps to purify the blood, regulate blood sugar and improves blood circulation. It helps to ease bloating and aching joints. It helps to cure...

Lent - Giving Up, Adding To and a Scripture Plan

This year the season of Lent begins February 14.  Lent is a time that offers us an opportunity to come to terms with the human condition we may spend the rest of the year running from and it brings our need for a Savior to the forefront. Like Advent, Lent is a time to open the doors of our hearts a little wider and understand our Lord a little deeper, so that when Good Friday and eventually Easter comes, it is not just another day at church but an opportunity to receive the overflowing of graces God has to offer. Often a part of the forty days of Lent is to “give up” something.  It offers opportunity to “give up” or fast from a behavior or action which separates us from God, others and the person God designed us to be. Likewise, we can “add to” our lives by including the ways of Jesus. The church I belong to does not actively participate in Lent, but through the years, I've spent the days of lent abstaining from certain things and one year doing a study to add b...

God's Valentine

It's love week!  You know, Valentine's Day is coming up. Cards, flowers and candy are everywhere! It is a time to remember and exhibit love in action to our loved ones. Spouses, children, friends or those in our lives we appreciate are easy to find a special way for us to express our love to. It is a beautiful time for special moments to share our love and there are an abundance of ways to do it this week.  But, have you ever thought about this - there is not one person Jesus does not love and did not come to save - this includes everyone you lock eyes with, walk past on the street, hear about in the news, live next door to, stand behind in line at the grocery store, or sit next to in the waiting room. When we actively love those around us, putting their needs before our own, we are taking the same amazing love that Jesus has poured out to us and becoming a living, breathing, beautiful display for humanity. While many believe love is a just a nice, heart-warming...

Pruning With a Purpose

This has been one cold winter!  I'm not complaining and actually enjoyed being able to spend time in front of the fireplace, wear cozy sweaters and serve many meals of delicious homemade soup. Cold weather brings causes us to find an inner warmth and seek a little harder to make our lives more comfortable.  Things are warming up now and I spent some time outside examining my porch plants. Back in the summer when the heat was scorching, I found a plant that thrived in hot, dry conditions.  It bloomed with many little flowers and brought a touch of beauty to the pot it was planted in.  During the weather transition, some cool weather loving flowers were planted beside it.  After the harsh winter, a patch of dead, wilted branches were all that remained from the summer loving plant.  This is a spider plant which does not like cold weather.  During cold nights, it was covered up in an attempt to keep if from the cold.  It is still...