"If you are going to do something, do it right." For years, this was our parenting mantra we used with the desire that it would implant diligence and faithfulness to our children. "When you commit to something, see it all the way to the end." These were not just words to us, but a lifestyle, especially to our faith walk. My husband and I became Christians at the same time. From that point on, establishing a godly family was a key priority for us. Church attendance became a source of learning to walk this Christian life, to line up our values with the Word of God and to fellowship and grow from relationships with other Christians. 'Going to church' was not just something we did, but something we put our all into through worshiping, learning, growing and serving. Faithful attendance was a natural outflow from the heart changes on the inside. For our family, church attendance is not something we think about or question on Sunday mornings - 'shoul...