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Showing posts from November, 2020

Monday Motivation - Show Some Jesus Joy

If we listen to our emotions, Monday mornings have a tendency to drag us down. We look back on the free time of the weekend and lament being forced into the structure of a work week. Instead of looking back, when we look ahead, our outlook changes.  For the Christian woman, we know the truth that God makes all things new and there are blessings all around us if we look for them.  This week's Monday Motivation is to "Let the Joy of Jesus Show In Your Life and On Your Face".  This week, we will each come in contact with a variety of people. As a Christian woman, we represent God to them. Negative attitudes can turn people away from God. If we purpose in our heart on a Monday, to commit to do everything with joy, our week will look differently.  May we practice a few things this week: speak words of joy - no complaining, look for something good to say serve others with joy - do something gracious, no strings attached face any changes with joyful hope - God has already g...

Monday Motivation - Love Habituallly

  Monday Motivations are snippets of practical encouragement for the Christian Woman.  Do you look at your circumstances, sphere of influence, church, home or work and wish you could make a difference? God can use your actions to bring new life and light everywhere you go.  For the next few weeks, we will be exploring ways you can make an impact. Even in troubled situations, we will be encouraged not to hide, run, fight or stand idle, but to ask God to give wisdom and make a difference.  This week, our motivation is to "Love Habitually".  A recent longtime church member was heard complaining about "all the new people moving into town".  It is a fact that no church guest would return to a church who detests outsiders. When we see others, especially people new to us, to our communities, churches or lives, may we practice being welcoming and loving. To Love Habitually, we should ask ourselves how Jesus would see others. If we love Jesus, we will have a love ...

Mountain Trip for Two!

When fall is in full swing, you have a little time off from work, the empty nest affords more freedom and the mountains call you simply GO! A spur of the moment trip to the mountains turned out to be one of the best trips we have taken.  Usually our mountain trips are efficiently planned out, the dates set in advance, a cabin reserved with the location and destinations in mind.  This trip, we saw we had some available time and simply headed north! Our first stop was to visit some dear friends who were vacationing that week. The next day we continued our drive still unclear on where we would land.  Here is our first stop, the quaint town of Helen, Georgia. Through the years we have made many visits to the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. We have visited a variety of locations, hiked many trails, drove many miles simply gazing at the beauty found there.  Cherished memories have been made with our children and family.  This trip we didn't do ...

Five Minute Friday - Cancel

I'm participating in Five Minute Friday which is a weekly blog link-up, that gathers around a single word prompt for a five-minute time to simply write. This week's word is 'Cancel'. A word that can strike disappointment in my heart. It usually comes as anticipation is high about an activity or gathering and something happens to where plans must change.  Last night's news broadcast encouraged listeners to 'cancel' their Thanksgiving plans due to the pandemic.  That hurt my heart.   Although I see 'cancel' as a negative word, if it is looked at with the perspective that God is in control, it can become a word of change or even hope. Instead of seeing cancelling being the end or as a closed 'no', the other spectrum is a different option, perhaps an open door or a 'yes' to something else. "If God says No - a better yes is right around the corner."  Trusting in the goodness of the Lord is a place of rest for the heart. Stronge...

The Other Side of Me

 A year ago the word Zoom, was simply a way to describe speed -  or a way to get from here to there - 'we zoomed to our destination'. As a mom to 3 sons, we 'zoomed' around in many areas of life!  Following the pandemic of 2020, Zoom is a preferred method of communication and connection. Many people are pros at Zoom meetings while I am just getting my feet wet in this area. The concept is that you sit - usually at home at your computer and log in to a virtual room with others. You can see and hear each other while a meeting or training is conducted.  My first Zoom meeting, I made sure to dress up, apply make up, fix my hair etc, to look my best.  One meeting, my computer camera didn't work and I wasn't 'seen', but simply heard. A meeting was approaching this week on my day off. I made a quick attempt to look decent, a swipe of make up and the barest amount of attention was given to my hair with hopes that would be presentable. Once we all appeared on the...

Monday Motivation for the Christian Woman - Are You Faithful?

  AAAWW it's Monday!  Monday somehow seems to demand our attention and shove us back into a routine. If we are slack in an area over the weekend, Monday quickly reminds us to get it together.  Over the weekend, it is easy to indulge in many areas, our activities, sleep, food. When we've worked hard all week, the weekends bring a pause a time to relax. But in excess, anything can quickly veer us to the opposite spectrum. The natural rhythms we daily do, help keep us in balance.  Today's encouragement for the week is to Be Faithful in Everything. A definition of faithful can include -  remaining loyal and steadfast, true to the facts or the original. In a biblical sense,  Faithfulness comes from a place of trust and loyalty.  As a Christian, it is important to be faithful to God. Faithfulness requires us to submit our ways to God. As we follow God with faithfulness, it will affect every area around us. Some thoughts to consider this week about ...

Making Your Home a Haven - Perfect for Fall!

 It's Fall Y'all!  After a quick trip to the mountains recently, I'm all in the fall feels. In my area, there aren't many signs of fall, no cooler weather, or changing of leaves, no mountain apples or need for cozy blankets.  But a weekend spent in the mountains, riding back roads filled with color, walking in cool weather along creeks and simply gazing at the beauty all around are beautiful things that fill my heart with autumn joy.  A fall tradition I've enjoyed in past years is participating in the "Making Your Home A Haven" challenge. This is a month long focus on creating a cozy home while filling our hearts with biblical truths. Each week a challenge is issued with a specific suggestion to bring warmth to the home and a Scripture focus to reflect and ponder on.  The last time I joined this challenge life was in a busier season. Our 3 sons were at home as I attempted to make the home a haven, we were active trying to juggle school, sports, church. Sim...

Monday Motivation for the Christian Woman

These Monday Motivations are taken from an article "2020 and Beyond -  A Self Evaluation for the New Decade".  They are for the Christian Woman who is ready to renew her commitment to God's teachings, to make a decade long plan to love Jesus whole heatedly, live for Him enthusiastically, serve joyfully in the church and faithfully impact those around her for the Savior.  I felt I needed a disclaimer before broaching today's topic!  The quality we will look at this week is to " Exercise Self-Control" .  OOHH. Why do those words make us cringe? Usually they immediately bring to mind an area of our life that is not in self control! Beyond that, we know what it will take to bring in under control - discipline and sacrifice.  Self control is vital.  Without the ability to control ourselves, our knowledge of good, and the desire to do it, are both worthless. Self-control is the moment-by-moment restraint of our urges. This is the ability to make the right c...

Hello November!

Hello November! If there was ever a season I would like to hit the pause button to be able for time to stand still, November would be it! Fall is all around us, early November finds our hearts leaning toward gratitude and anticipating upcoming time with family and friends. From this point on, the rest of the year will be filled with sights and sounds of thankfulness and then will quickly move on to embrace the spirit of Christmas. The first of November is a time to reset our hearts. It is a month that recognizes gratitude and thankfulness. Through the years, I've participated in thankful challenges, made gratitude lists, daily thanksgiving journals, you name it, I probably have done it in the quest to capture a thankful heart and attitude. Over the years while counting my blessings, the list is usually the same...Faith, Family, Friends etc. But a heart of gratitude is more than simply naming a blessing, but digging deeper to get to the heart. Why are we thankful - how can I in turn...