In the 5 Weeks 5 Disciplines 5 Challenges, I've been challenged to work in the areas of the body, using my time, disciplining the spirit. Body: I've been exercising daily, really pushing myself and feel great! Time: Being conscious of time management, making lists to keep focused and staying alert to time wasters. Spirit: Reading God's Word first thing in the morning and trying to take what was read through the day. This week focuses on the mind. So much begins in the mind - thoughts which lead to action and actions which lead to habits...all start with a thought. Every single one of us probably has thoughts things that we would never share. It's a given that our mind will be tempted...but the discipline part comes in when we analyze those thoughts against God's Word. Philippians 4:8 gives a guideline for our thoughts: "...whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever ...