It has been a long time since I've participated in a blog link up. Much time has also elapsed since a blog post was written from a writing prompt. I feel a bit rusty, but prompts are a wonderful tool to inspire and give renewed life to writing! Five Minute Friday is a writing prompt link-up, where we free write for five minutes flat on a single word writing prompt. Today's word is YOUR. YOUR is one of my favorite words! It immediately brings to mind ME, because our natural tendencies usually involve thoughts of self first. We wonder "how will this affect me, how will this revolve around my plans, place, people. Comparison may be made by using the standard of ME - perception is based on my experiences, my likes or dislikes. If left unchecked, the idea that the whole world revolves around me can affect every area of our life. But YOUR - requires a mind and heart shift. From me to you. Placing my thoughts and focus aside, looking at you and considering what your feeling