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To Make a Difference Add This Step

 Don't you love it when things fit together to bring a little inspiration? Today was one of those days! A devotional this morning was titled "And Then Some" , bringing out that there is greatness in everyone, but it needs to be cultivated. The difference between the great and the mediocre, the powerful and the week, the remembered and the forgotten is to give it all you've got - and then some. The difference between average people and top people can be explained in those three words " And Then Some".   The top people did what was expected of them ... And Then Some. They were thoughtful to others, kind and considerate ... And Then Some. They met their obligations and responsibilities fairly and squarely ... And Then Some. They were good friends to the people in their lives ... And Then Some. They could be counted on in an emergency ... And Then Some. Three little words that can transform our society.  And Then Some.  Christians are called to be 'extra mi
Recent posts

Long Time, New Post, New Purpose

 It's been a while! I say that often between blog posts. But the truth is, a lot of changes occur between the spaces of time that I sit down to open up a piece of my life.  This little blog is such a special part of who I am. Although it is seriously neglected, it is fun to look back on posts from years ago and see the place and season of life I was in. Back in the early days of the blog, I was a stay at home mom with much free time and availability to capture life's simple moments.  As the years rush by, motives and intentions change. With the realization of how time flies, purposes and impact become priorities. What can I say or write that will make a difference? Daily life looks different in this season and the passion to encourage others has taken on a new and different look.  Each of us has our own unique set of priorities, values, desires and motives. But as women, we can identify a few connections. Most of us have a home, family and a precious place we can create an atmo

Relationships and Redemption

In every friendship or relationship, there is a common hope that they will grow and flourish. There is something inside of us that longs for a 'happy every after' story. We dream about it and work to make that happen. But in reality, relationships are a challenge. The bridging of values, lifestyles, interests and sacrificing for another are simply hard things to do! No matter how much we dream of the perfect fit, some relationships will not endure the stress.  When differences appear and tensions arise, prayer can change situations, attitudes and ourselves. For the Christian, we know God can transform, change, heal. We cannot change others, but prayer opens us the door for God to step in and answer. God desires transformation, but does not demand it. The gift of free will allows us to choose to say Yes or No to Him.  Romans 12:18 says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” Take notice of the first two words: “If possible …” This implies that some

Silence, Solitude, Sweat

I am a habit runner. Not a running fanatic, not a competitive runner, but one that knows if I don't run at all, the ability to run will vanish. A habit runner does the same things, the same way, almost every run! My routine consists of a regular running day with a regular running route. Part of the routine involves listening to podcasts.   Recently, I've been aware of the value of practicing stillness and quietness. There is always noise around us, but to find inspiration and soul searching, requires a deliberate attempt to find quiet times and places. A new practice I found was during morning walks, leaving the ear buds at home and simply walking and talking to God.   A recent morning found me preparing for a run, but with a new phone, the Bluetooth ear buds would not connect. The old fashioned wired ear phones would not fit in the new phone. Minutes passed trying to get this to work. The first thought was I cannot run without something to listen to, but this was run day and t

"This Is Me" - Chasing Beauty

  Sometimes, we just want a deeper peek into someone's life! I am all about the details, the more the better! When we learn things about others, we are bound to find a connection and share a common thread. That is how friendships deepen. It is a true joy to share an encouraging word for women here on the blog, but transparency and opening up real life experiences offer an avenue to connect deeper.  So, today is the first "This Is Me" ' post. A real life story from the week about the quest for beautiful hair! As I age, my grey hair seems to multiply! It is not a devastating issue, but one that is becoming a bit harder to control. For years I've used quick and easy products to cover the grey without doing anything permanent. This has worked for a long time. Then I moved to a semi-permanent solution and found a product I loved. Easy to use with great results. Now it is hard to find.  Stumbling upon a clearance rack this week, was a box of hair color in a beautiful s

Stumbling on Resilience

  I love jumping into new things! Something will capture my attention and I dive in, often without looking deeply into it or evaluating whether it will be useful for me. New things inspire me, new months, seasons, books etc.  An email came in from one of my favorite authors - Time Warp Wife . A ladies study was going on about "The 7 Virtues of a Proverbs 31 Woman." I immediately bought the book and joined the study! It didn't matter that I would already by 3 lessons behind, I saw it, liked it and joined in! Once the book arrived, I knew it would be better to slow down and start at the beginning. I set the book aside, but still receive the weekly emails. . Whatever week the study is on(!), the topic is  Resilience.  This is the ability to adapt to difficult or stressful situations, emerging stronger on the other side. A virtuous woman might not have the ability to solve her problems, but she has faith in the One Who does. She knows that every broken piece of her life is

Father's Day Week - Tragedy to Triumph

The week of June 9 - June 17, 1989 is a week forever etched in my story. It is where I experienced my greatest loss as well as the greatest gain in my life. Looking back even now, 34 years later, the variance of emotions from mourning to hope in the span of a few days still astounds me. But it is a story of God's grace that alone can bring tragedy to triumph.  The circumstances surrounded 2 of the most powerful influences in my life - my father and my husband. June 9, my father was tragically killed. Although I never doubted for a moment of his love for me, my father made some devastating life choices that brought painful consequences to his family. He gave me a lifetime of fatherly advice, but set an example before me of a path I would take great strides to avoid. Choosing a lifestyle of sin and darkness can quickly escalate and overtake ones life. Priorities, habits, relationships can be left behind to follow the irresistible call of addiction. As Father's Day weekend is appr