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Blessed Speech

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

This has always been a favorite reminder to me to use "sweet words" in my conversations. I am by nature a very shy person who doesn't do a lot of talking. But, I understand the importance of good communication and to show love to others, it is important to be genuine in your words and to be friendly. It takes some effort for shy people to come out and be more talkative. Yesterday I found a book at a consignment shop (for $.50 yeah!!) about how to communicate more effictively. Then today, I found some great tips in my email inbox on how to converse brilliantly! Here is a highlighted version of the list:

How to be a Brilliant Conversationalist

Ask Questions
Most people prefer to talk about themselves rather than hear about you, so asking questions is a great way to start and to refresh conversations. By asking questions you draw other people in and engage them.

Great conversationalists are great listeners. Whether you are with one person or a group, listen attentively. People like good listeners, plus you learn a lot about others by listening.

Give Compliments
Pay compliments whenever you sincerely can. If someone looks smart or has lost weight, then show that you have noticed by giving a genuine compliment.

Keep Up to Date on Topical Issues
It is important to keep abreast of key current issues and topics in the news, entertainment, sports and politics. You should be ready to comment with questions, ideas, facts and opinions on the issues that other people are interested in.

Be Humorous
There is a place for serious discussion and there is a place for the light-hearted, so be ready to contribute in either environment. Witty comments tend to be spontaneous, clever and unexpected, so being witty is not an easy skill to develop, but there are some things you can do. Observe witty people in action and see how they contribute. Be bold enough to add your comments and witticisms and carefully watch reactions to see whether you are hitting the right note.

Speak Clearly
Say what you have to say with clarity and enthusiasm. Many people mumble their words, or rush through them or whisper so quietly that you have to strain to hear them. Good conversationalists are clear, articulate and easy to understand.

Enjoy it
Be yourself, be natural and don’t try to be anything that you are not. Approach the situation with a positive attitude and tell yourself that you are going to have a good time and meet some interesting people.


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