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Guys are Waffles, Girls are Spaghetti

Guys are Waffles, Girls are Spaghetti


Retails for $12.99
For Ages 12- 17

Book Synopsis from the back of the book

In this hilarious, yet amazingly insightful book, discover the secrets behind why guys and girls think and act so differently. Guys' brains have little compartments like a waffle, and there they keep most aspects of their lives separated. Girls brains are like spaghetti, because they tend to keep everything in their lives connected. Learn how to talk so a "waffle" will listen, and how to understand the "spaghetti-ish" conversations that you will encounter your entire life. Learning about waffles and spaghetti will make a difference in real-life issues like dating, sex, friendships, body language, and communication skills of every kind. So dig in for the insights you've been craving.

*Disclosure: This book was provided to the Mama Buzz site and Mama Buzz reviewers, free of charge, in exchange for today's blog tour*
As a mom three sons in which two of them are teenagers the stark differences between male and female are always evident in our home! When the opportunity to review Guys are Waffles Girls are Spaghetti arose, I jumped at it with the purpose of learning a bit more about how my guys are wired.
This book is authored by a young man - Chad Eastham, who relates to teenagers in an easy going, and often humorous manner. The book is simple to read and quickly draws the reader in and makes them feel right at home - and normal. Sprinkled throughout the book is inserts by Bill and Pam Farrel who offer practical insights full of godly wisdom.
Although Guys are Waffles Girls are Spaghetti is written in a light hearted dialogue, this book gives a fantastic synopsis of brain function while comparing the differences in male and female thought process, emotional differences and communication methods. While reading the book there are plenty of "now I understand why they do that" moments. Sprinkled through the book are letters from teenagers ranging through a variety of subjects. These real life letters are a testimony that many face the same difficult circumstances and frustrations. These letters are answered with wisdom and equip the writer with a biblical solution to use to overcome.
As a parent of teenagers, I was especially thankful for the author touching and expounding on real life situations that teens face. Chad with humor, gentleness and straightforwardness gave excellent advice on dressing, relating to the opposite sex, body language and how one is perceived by others and gave excellent biblically based advice on premarital sex and the consequences of it. He plainly shared the differences in emotions, hormones and the danger areas where weakness could come in. Along with sharing the dangers of premarital sex, there was encouragement to remain pure and practical ideas on how to begin and walk through the dating process.
This book was filled with information that will greatly benefit teenage girls and teenage boys. It offers a glimpse into how each one is uniquely created and offers suggestions on how to avoid awkward moments by understanding these differences in girls and boys.
Back many years ago when I was a teenager, this book would have had a direct effect on how I related to the opposite sex and many of the choices I made. It is my hope and prayer that many teenagers will be equipped with the knowledge and desire for purity and to purposefully seek the Lord during their teenage years. If you have a teenager, this is a must read!


  1. Thanks for sharing. This sound like something my boys would love to read.


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