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Healthy Food at Healthy Prices!!

Healthy eating and the awareness of preparing healthy foods is at an all time high. Facts and studies show how beneficial healthy eating is to ward off diseases and keep our bodies functioning with energy and vitality.

But you also may have noticed that eating healthy can be more costly (a lot more). Organic foods are widely available, but are often much higher in price.

Here are a few healthy foods to incorporate into your diet for better nutritional value at a more cost efficient price:

1. Oats: Oats are high in fiber and good for lowering cholesterol. Oatmeal is a filling and nutritious breakfast. Baked Oatmeal is a great recipe for beginners. Oatmeal cookies are a delicious treat also.

2. Eggs: Eggs are packed with protein and easy to prepare in a variety of ways.

3. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, which strengthens the immune system and promotes bone and eye health.

5. Apples. Apple season is here, so this fruit is plentiful and cheap. Apples are great cooked or raw and can be a part of every meal.

6. Nuts. Peanuts, walnuts and almonds are cheap "power foods" and perfect snacks to keep you energized throughout the day. Buy them in their shells to get the best price.

7. Beans. Dried beans are packed with nutrients which help balance blood sugar levels, and are high in fiber and protein. Beans do need to be soaked at least 8 hours, but the value in cost and nutrients make it worth the extra time.

8. Whole Grain Pasta and Brown Rice. These cheap staples are made up of complex carbohydrates, meaning that it packs more nutritional punch than does its white-pasta counterpart.

9. Spinach. This leafy green can be prepared in oh-so-many ways, and it is packed with calcium, iron, folic acid and vitamin A. Skip the washed and bagged spinach and wash it yourself to save. I use it most every day in a salad mixed with romaine lettuce.


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