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Mothering Heights - Book Review

I recently was able to review a book on spiritual mothering entitled "Mothering Heights". Since I am an avid reader and love a variety of books. Books differ greatly in the fact that some grab your attention through the heart - or emotional response and some speak to your head and provide knowledge.

Mothering Heights is a beautifully written book that begins with head knowledge and requires you to do some soul searching on the subject of being a mother. The book asks some deep questions such as :

  • In one sentence, what do you believe is your purpose in being a mother?
  • How does this fit in with your understanding of who God wants you to be as a mother?
  • What parts do you see yourself playing in forming the morals and character of your children?
  • What importance does helping shape your children's view of God hold in your overall definition of motherhood?
The purpose of attempting to understand the importance and value of motherhood helps build a foundation to build on through the rest of the book. Immediately following this great challenge to understand the magnitude of a mother's role, the author brings hope, strength and divine help by sharing numerous Scriptures. Several chapters are dedicated to pointing out the power of God's Word and the relativity it has on a mother. The reader is encouraged to seek God's wisdom through His Word as the primary source of wisdom.

This book is one of the most challenging books I have read on motherhood. But it is a challenge that stirs a desire to excel and grow to new heights in faith, obedience and relating to others. The challenges cover every aspect of a mother's life as a Christian, a portrait of a lady, having a servant nature, sharing and encouraging others, common sense and sensibility, good health habits and home management. Through reading each aspect of motherhood and being challenged to reach out and grow, there is a sure and eternal hope shared through biblical and practical counsel and most importantly the power of God's Word.

This book does an excellent job of bringing an awareness to the power and influence of motherhood while encouraging each mother to soar to new heights through a constant renewing of our mind through God's Word and prayer. You will love to read and learn truths to carry with you forever from reading this book.

PhotobucketMothering Heights: A Novel Approach for Christian Mothers
by Keitha Smith and Susan Brereton.

Retail Value: $15.00

Book summary: This encouraging book uses the charm of timeless literary works and the wisdom of the Bible to reconsider what is seen today as a classic role. Using selected quotes from novels including Sense and Sensibility, Treasure Island, and Great Expectations, the authors offer encouragement and exhortation to women of all walks of life who struggle and strive to be intentional in their parenting choices.

Author Bios:
Susan Brereton is a former New Zealand resident currently living in England. She is a wife, mother of five children, and an interior designer. For many years, Susan has run a Bible study for mothers of preschool children, and has had a long association with the Navigators and Moms-in-Touch.

Keitha Smith lives in New Zealand with her husband and two children, including one with special needs. With a background in training and education, Keitha leads the women's ministry group at her church and serves on the local school's board of trustees.
Check out Keitha's fictional Mother's Prayer Blog ,The Jonah Tree. Also visit

A sample chapter is available for review on the Mothering Heights website.

*Disclosure: Mama Buzz and reviewers received a complimentary of Mothering Heights for review purposes


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