Rose water can be used as a facial toner with the ability to fight redness, calm inflammation and improve circulation in the skin. The gentle astringent qualities of rose water have long been used as a refreshing facial splash. I've never been one to spend a lot of money on facial treatments and enjoy the simplicity of natural products. Here is a simple recipe for rose water to use in a facial toner:
For every 1 firmly packed cup of rose petals, pour 2 cups boiling water over top. Cover and steep until the liquid is cool. Strain, squeeze out the liquid from the petals, and refrigerate the rose water in a sterilized jar. Pretty easy huh?
My skin is very oily and toners help keep the shine down, pores smaller and keep the skin more toned. Here is a recipe for oily skin:
3 1/2 cups of witch hazel1/2 cup dried rose petals
5 sprigs of fresh rosemary.
Mix ingredients together making sure it is all blended well. Strain the blend and splash on your face after cleansing.
Roses are in full bloom here and this seems like a perfect refreshing summer project to energize and refresh the skin naturally.
I have never heard of this before. My husband planted a rose bush for me in the front yard, so he could give me "roses" all the time. Now, I have another way to use his gift. Thanks!