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Word Filled Wednesday – Walking With Him

 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6,7 
I love the encouragement found in this verse for our walk with God.  Once we have received Christ Jesus as our Lord, we should walk with him, establish roots in His Word and be  continually built up and established in the faith.  Now, this is not something that happens overnight, but walking indicates a continual movement.  Rooted and built up takes day by day diligence which moves us toward being established in the faith.  Instead of being overwhelmed by what we lack in our Christian life, may we strive to WALK in Him, moment by moment and always abound with thanksgiving, that He is right beside us.


  1. I loved this: 'a continual movement'... that is very true. If we stand still, we are going backwards. Moving forward, inch by inch, small step by small step, if necessary and much better than leaps and bounds. Slow and steady wins the race, as the old saying goes.

    What a wonderful WFW! Beautiful picture for a great scripture...

    Happy WFW and God bless you...

  2. Love the picture and scripture! Great thoughts to ponder on! Thank you,Joyce!

  3. Lovely WFW.......we learn so much from His creation.

  4. That last line is one to remember, that we need to do so with thanksgiving. That's the key and one I forget too often!

  5. I often look too far ahead on the path and "trip" up! It's when I stay moment by moment walking and stepping in His ways that I see things that I have never noticed before...
    Yes, this is beautiful! What a wonderful way to begin the day!


  6. As difficult it is for me to physically walk, I am so glad that we have the Holy Spirit to help us walk in Him.... Whether we are sitting, laying down, running or walking... we can walk in Him...

  7. Beautiful photo and verse! You have a lovely blog.

  8. I must admit, I have struggled to walk with Christ this week. The enemy had been throwing his arrows at me- I am going on a church retreat this weekend, and he doesn't like it!
    Well, I can praise God because in His name and by the power of His body and blood- Satan is cast out!
    So tonight, I am in prayer and scripture study... putting on the full armour of God.


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