The beauty bug has bit me! In the past, my beauty routine has been rather bland. Quick, natural (no make up), simple soap and water to wash, no fuss, no extras, no expense. A recent free facial by a Mary Kay consultant gave me a little jolt! Skin needs to be taken care of and I"ve been diligent to follow a few new steps and upping the routine! Preparing for church and looking in the mirror brought that little rush of pleasure of when you feel good, you look good. Eating right, exercising and caring for skin and body will bring out beauty in anyone.
Now, before you write me off as vain, let me share my heart after the mirror moment! I knew I was spending more time preparing for outer beauty but I also knew that the inside is much more important than the outside. Am I preparing my heart to be beautiful? Do I spend time to pamper, nurture and tune it to be it's best?
I read this morning in Matthew that puzzling account of the fig tree. "Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” Immediately the fig tree withered away." Matthew 21:18-20. I've always wondered, "what did the fig tree do wrong?" A commentary explained that this tree was full of leaves, a sign of being fruitful, but had no fruit. It looked full of promise, but was empty. It was all flowers, no fruit.
As women, could that describe us at times? We have the look, we go to great lengths, to get 'the look". Time, effort, expense, nothing is spared when we desire it. But what about our hearts, our attitudes, words and actions? Are we as diligent to pamper and prepare them? We may look pretty, but is there true kindness in our heart, consideration for others, does our life as a Christian, point others to Jesus?
There is an abundance of physical places to get beautiful - salons, spas, tanning beds, etc. God's Word gives us a picture of what true beauty looks like in Proverbs 31. I know, this passage is scary! Everything this woman does is way above what I do. I just don't think I can attain her level. But this passage is defined as "This description of the virtuous woman is designed to show what wives the women should make and what wives the men should choose; it consists of twenty-two verses, each beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in order." Matthew Henry's Commentary.
Women Living Well has a free Ebook - The Proverbs 31 Woman - One Virtue At a Time. There is also a free Bible study to accompany this ebook over at Good Morning Girls. I am participating in this and learning so much! Taking one virtue at a time, learning, growing and practicing in bite size pieces is changing me bit by bit, virtue by virtue and transforming my heart. We cannot 'just become Proverbs 31". It is a transformation that the Lord must make in our hearts. As we purpose to seek His beauty, just as we strive for physical beauty, it takes some time, dedication and effort. But His beauty will last forever...."Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30.
May we always have an eye for beauty and be full of flowers and fruit!

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