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Showing posts from July, 2014

Almost an In Law - How To Be a Good One!

In the midst of our wedding excitement with all the plans, the details, the joy, the anticipation, it is almost easy to forget that the wedding is actually just the beginning!   It is the beginning of two lives being united, families being enlarged and intertwined, a new home, new routine and a new life for the children and the parents. Our family of all boys is thrilled to be adding a girl to it!!  Which means...I will be a mother in law!  The very word tends to usually bring reactions from people.  We've all heard horror stories about 'the mother in law".   Unfortunately, many mothers-in-law have earned the reputation, read these two examples!!! Consider the story of a bride who wanted to please her new husband. He often mentioned how much he loved his mother’s chocolate chip cookies, so his wife asked her mother-in-law to share the recipe. Instead of recognizing the request as a sincere compliment, the mother-in-law coldly responded, “That’s ...

The Mom Contract

This week my life as a mom is a bit stressful.  We will hit a few monumental moments all in one week. Saturday will be the first wedding in the family as my oldest son will be getting married.  I've spent lots of time and posting on that, so I'll share the other big thing...this week our youngest son will turn 13...another teenager in the house!! Since there is a bit of a space between the youngest and his two older brothers, he's watched them for years as teenagers and can not wait to be one!   Things are a lot different with a teenager this time around for us.  Facebook, cell phones, email accounts are a brand new world for teenager today.  For a Christian family we should recognize the benefits of these, but also be aware of the dangers that they may hold.  A 13 year old given unlimited access to so many freedoms at one time can be overwhelming.  So...some guidelines need to be in place. A recent article read shared some fantast...

Summer Life...

Summer break has arrived.  It's funny that as a home school family, although there isn't any more 'schoolwork', we find many others ways to fill the day. Yard work needs to be done, summer camps are coming up, Vacation Bible School, then planning for next school year, summer gets busy.  A mom's mind is rarely still and her actions are the same, always going....but in the absence of routine, I find ways to occupy my time that may not be the best use of my time.   The idea of living intentional is one that attracts me greatly. To live with purpose, passion and focused on doing and being the best for those around me.  But then...Facebook calls, or a book to read, Pinterest beckons to show me ideas....and my focus changes, time gets lost and sometimes the important things in life get left behind.  These things are not 'bad' things, but sometimes need a little adjusting in my life. A Holy Experience shares often about the joy of living fully in each ...

It's Your Choice - Fear or Faith

Soccer has become the sport of choice for our youngest son.  This summer we joined with a team, have been practicing weekly and recently had our first tournament.  Our team age varies from ages 11 to 14, but just a few days before the tournament, one of our players turned 15.  That is the age the tournament staff worked with and matched us up with some older teams.  Most of our players had never played this type of soccer and had trained, practiced and were now ready to compete.  As they faced their opponents, the other team had players much older...and bigger!  The parents on the sidelines gulped with fear, but the players went out on the field and did their best!  They played right alongside the other team, side by side with their eye on the ball, seemingly taking little notice of the difference in size.  They lost in points, but won a spot in my heart for their diligence and the strength they showed in the face of adversity.   Thi...

21 Day Fix - Getting Wedding Ready!!

There is nothing like a deadline to get you moving!!  Although by nature, I'm a laid back, peaceful type, every now and then a good challenge helps give inspiration, motivation and helps make progress towards a goal. Later this month our family has a wedding!  My oldest son is getting married and we are thrilled!! We are excited to see the prayers of many years answered by God bringing into our family the perfect girl who is a perfect match for him!  We are filled with joy as they join their hearts and lives together, make a new home and life together. Now, of course, weddings are all about the happy couple, but moms want to look their best too!!! In fact, the mothers on both sides (bride and groom) are filling these last few weeks with some healthy eating and exercise!!   My plan is the 21 Day Fix.  One of my fitness/healthy living weaknesses is diet.  I LOVE sweets.  This plan gives a fabulous guide for portions sizes and food categori...