In the midst of our wedding excitement with all the plans, the details, the joy, the anticipation, it is almost easy to forget that the wedding is actually just the beginning! It is the beginning of two lives being united, families being enlarged and intertwined, a new home, new routine and a new life for the children and the parents. Our family of all boys is thrilled to be adding a girl to it!! Which means...I will be a mother in law! The very word tends to usually bring reactions from people. We've all heard horror stories about 'the mother in law". Unfortunately, many mothers-in-law have earned the reputation, read these two examples!!! Consider the story of a bride who wanted to please her new husband. He often mentioned how much he loved his mother’s chocolate chip cookies, so his wife asked her mother-in-law to share the recipe. Instead of recognizing the request as a sincere compliment, the mother-in-law coldly responded, “That’s ...