Sometimes it's the simplest things that mean the most, especially in our relationships. Here is a cute little acrostic with some easy, but powerful ways to keep the marriage love alive...
M - Make every moment count. It's often easy to take for granted those every day things we do. Notice them and cherish them.
A - Affirm your spouse daily. We love him...let's tell him...every day. Look beyond the familiar, what exactly is it in him we respect? Let him know.
R - Reconcile often with apology and forgiveness. When we're wrong, admit it and move on. Forgiveness can build up a marriage.
R - Respond with respect. We know him so well...what he's going to say, do and how he will respond. A sarcastic response tears him down and belittles, give a polite response or simply a smile!
I - Initiate with courage. Love lavishly, be bold in expressing love.
A - Always love gracefully. God gives us great grace, it is intended to fill us up and pour out. Love is patient, kind, etc. but love never fails.
G - Generously serve your spouse. He is our highest human priority (under God). He is the head of our home, the king of his castle. Serving him shows appreciation. Being a giver takes attention off our self and our needs and replaces the 'give me what I deserve' attitude with one of true, genuine love.
E - Endure through hardships together. Hard times will come, people deal with them differently. But through the hard times, unite and don't divide. Trials have an entrance and an exit, hold hands and walk through together.
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