When our children were younger they loved to ride their bicycles. We lived in the country down a small paved road. Not too far from our home was 'the hill', a sharp and uphill portion of the road which took extreme effort to climb but the ride down was something they loved to do.
As a young mom, I was fearful for their safety as they were flying down that hill on their bikes. A million 'what if's would go through my mind, what if a car is coming around the curve, what if they are going too fast and crash, on and on I would worry and they would race past me loving the thrill of the ride. Sometimes I even asked them to put the brakes on while going down so they didn't go too fast!
Through the years, the boys grew up and no longer ride bicycles. We moved away from that road but still have family close to there. Recently the youngest son was mowing a family member's grass and while waiting for him, I brought my bicycle and went for a ride on that same road. As I approached 'the hill', headed downward it was so much fun! The speed, the breeze, the feeling of being free made for a great 30 seconds of bliss! A few more miles of easy riding were enjoyed before headed back and up the hill. It's much more difficult going up! But, slow and steady and pushing pedal after pedal, I made it.
It's funny how time changes your perspective. I learned as life went by that worse things than skinned knees from falling off a bike would happen. Trials, heartache, disappointments, joys contentment, love would all flow together in life. Good times and times of challenge will share the ride of life.
This month we embrace a new season of life. The youngest son is now driving. As a mom, I"m not needed anymore to drive him where he needs to go, he can get there himself. This morning, I enjoyed my coffee and devotion reading while he got ready and left for school. Then took a bicycle ride myself! Although I miss not being needed, I'm going to enjoy some of the freedom that is coming!
Every season has its own shares of ups and downs. Like the bike ride, we get on and go, we hit easy paths, challenging hills and downhill bursts of joy. When God is our pilot, we can trust Him to guide us in and through every season of life. The 'what if's of life will drive us crazy and bring anxiety to our lives if we dwell on them. Trusting in God enables us to hit those hills with His strength, to fly free in the good times, to trust and not fight against the seasons of life. Wherever you are today, ride free...God's is in control!
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