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Don't Leave Your Manners At Home

Several years ago when my children were younger, a few days before Christmas I was shopping for items for Christmas dinner. The store was packed, my toddler in the cart was fussy, I forgot the Christmas ribbon which was clear across the store and I was a frantic wreck.  Later a friend told one of my family members they had seen me at the store, but didn't speak because I looked frazzled.  Have you ever been there?  Unfortunately, that was probably not the only time that happened, but I'm not going to look back too hard!  But, that statement, that feeling, those words and attitudes bothered me. Especially at Christmas!  A frazzled mom is not the image I want to project!

Since that day and especially since the children are older, I shop a little wiser. On frantic shopping days, I refuse to be in a rush. I anticipate the crowds and work hard to put on a patient and cheerful face. Try the packed store, give another frazzled shopper a smile.  Wait for someone to pass or politely give them time to get their item.  It is amazing the difference little things like this make!

Maralee McKee is a manners expert and shares a few tips especially for the holidays.   Manners are, simply put, the best practices for handling any interaction — even Christmas shopping. There are Christmas shopping manners. And if everyone used them, it would make shopping more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone.  Be the one who does their part!!

Shopping for gifts is part of the celebration of Christmas. Whether you’re at the big-box store, the mall, or a neighborhood boutique, the way we interact with our fellow shoppers and the store associates is no less a part of the celebrating than going to a Christmas party at your neighbor’s house, decorating your tree, visiting friends and family, or attending special church plays and services.

Think on this statement before entering Wal Mart..."Joy, cheer, fun, and reverence should fill our hearts and minds while we shop for gifts we’ll give others in remembrance of the birth of Jesus. The way we interact with strangers while shopping should be no less gracious than how we interact with them at a church service or a friend’s party."

Here are 5 Tips to be a gracious Christmas shopper:
1. It starts at the door! Whether you’re a lady or gentleman, hold the door open for the person(s) behind you, and stand behind it to allow them plenty of room to enter. As they walk through the door: smile, make eye contact, and say “Merry Christmas”.

If people hold the door for you, say, “You’re so kind! Thank you!” Saying “You’re so kind!” as well as “Thank you!” is adding a compliment. And every compliment is a gift. 

2. To the right please! With all the extra people in the aisles and walkways of the store or mall, make sure to walk to your right, just like the rules of the road. We walk on the same side that we drive on. If there are more than two in your group, try to walk behind one another. When three or more people walk side-by-side, they block the walkway so that people can’t easily pass on their left. 

3. Oops, I’m sorry! If you accidentally bump into someone, say something that clarifies that you had no intention of doing so. “Oh no! Please excuse me. I’m sorry I bumped into you.” PS: For bonus points, say this even if they bumped into YOU and didn’t apologize. It shows them how to be gracious — a lesson I hope they will take to heart.

4. A Large Part of The Etiquette of Christmas Shopping is To Extend the Gift of Grace! Be patient with store associates. The number of sales associates in a store increases by up to 35 percent from November 15 to January 10.
New workers have to do their job daily in front of hundreds of people. They don’t have time to learn all the details of the merchandise in the store or the how-tos of ringing the register before the rush of holiday shopping starts, so be patient. They really do want to help you and to ring your order up correctly and quickly. Sometimes, the newness of it all makes it difficult.

5. Wonder Words help spread the wonder of Christmas!  The appreciation shown to the cashier sets the next customer up as eager to experience a positive interaction. Attitudes, moods, and expectations are contagious, and if we speak kindness, we generate kindness. It’s one of the best gifts we can give at Christmas or any time.

Be encouraged to bring your manners with you as you shop this Christmas season. Spread joy wherever you go and be the type of shopper you would like to shop with!!


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