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Showing posts from April, 2018

A Keto Christian

Have you ever heard of the Keto eating plan?  Don't say the "Keto Diet" because it is more than a few weeks of disciplined eating.  This plan is the foundation for a healthy eating lifestyle. In fact, when I would hear about it, I would automatically dismiss it when I heard the 'rules' bread, pasta, carbs or sugar.  Not something I was ready to give up! A volunteer at my workplace comes once a week. We noticed one week how nice and healthy her hair looked.  The next week, her hair was shiny and healthy and her skin truly glowed.  We asked her what she was doing to get these beautiful changes and she told us it was the addition of healthy fats in her diet that was responsible.  "Tell us more" we all said and she shared she has been on the Keto plan for a few weeks.  Right away new interest was sparked - a keto book appeared in the office, conversation began to revolve around this eating plan, new recipes came to the office, we wanted those be...

Getting to the Light

Have you ever talked to your plants? They say it is healthy for them when you talk to them. I've never been able to develop that habit of talking to them, but I do love them, water them and nurture them, but just don't verbalize it.   My gardening thumb could be classified as 'light green'.  Plants live under my care, but I have a long way to go!  But, there is one plant I excel at growing.  I don't even know the name of it, but on my front porch it enjoys just the right amount of light, water and fertilizer and it abounds.  It overflows each year and truly thrives. It is my favorite plant! During the winter care is taken to protect it from the cold. It is covered during nights when frost threatens.  Somehow this winter, even when covered, the frost bit it...deeply.  In the past once it is uncovered and the warmth of the sun returns, new growth springs forth quickly. As spring approached I eagerly waited for signs of life. The plant was...

It's National Card and Letter Writing Month - Touch Someone's Life

April is designated as National Card and Letter Writing Month.  Who knew?  Since most of our communication is now done electronically, handwritten anything seems almost ancient.  But if you will turn your focus to a time you were on the receiving end, is there a special note or letter that was written by hand that you cherish?  For someone to hand write a note and mail it to us takes effort and reminds us that someone thinks we are worth that effort.  What if we could take a few extra minutes during special days and write our thoughts and well wishes to someone. What if our note was one of those chosen to be read and kept in a special place for years. Perhaps pulled out at various times and brought a smile and cheer to the heart. Surely that is some inspiration to be a blessing to someone.  It's not as difficult as it sounds... Picking an occasion, a birthday or anniversary is a great place to start.  Facebook makes this easy!!  L...

Friday Faves - A Look Back At This Week

Hello Friday!  The work week is fading away and the weekend is almost here. It is so easy to look forward to the weekend as often we are hoping to forget the struggles of the week. But Friday is also a great time to look back over the week and look for some of the bright spots.  Here are a few highlights from this week: Rainy mornings may start off dreary, but there is always a brighter day coming. My roses are in full bloom and just beautiful!  They brought a bright spot in the midst of the rain.  This week, I pulled out the weights and a training plan.  For a few days, I 'hurt so good', but that soreness that means your doing good for your body! (Didn't realize the weights looked so bad!) Of course that weight training was needed after indulging in a birthday party at the office! These ladies inspire and encourage me daily. Truly every day with them is worth celebrating.  Being a major list maker and post it reminder type, this habit ...

Making It Home Monday - Homemade Love

Through the years and seasons of life, I've been a 'Suzy Homemaker", "Fitness Fanny", embraced and loved the home-school, natural mama life and an outside the home working woman.  The underling theme to each of those passion was family, health and seeking the best for those I love. In this current season of life, the children are almost grown. The days of preparing a huge meal for supper are rare. Evenings spent at the ball field are past, even the laundry load is lighter and I'm enjoying a slower pace of life. It is a change of pace we like but run the risk of leaning toward laziness!   This weekend was rainy and dreary and I was perfectly content to stay at home. The thought occurred since I had time, to make a homemade cake that I found a recipe for. It just never happened and then when sweet hubby had to run an errand, he called me to see if I wanted him to pick up a pie for dessert. This has rarely happened in our 25+ years since most of our ...

Inspiring Others

Inspiration is an experience you feel deep in your soul, a longing to do something creative, fresh and maybe even brilliant. You encounter or see something that motivates you to take a risk and to go way outside of your comfort zone. Spring often brings inspiration in our lives with its newness.  To inspire someone is to motivate them and spur them on to something incredible. In fact, the word comes from the Latin inspirare, which is a combination of two Latin words, in—“into” and spirare which means “breathe.” So, to inspire is to breathe into someone’s soul in the sense of imparting a revelation or an idea that powerfully influences and animates that individual to action. Who is someone who inspires you? Do you have someone with qualities that make you want to follow? That contagious feeling of passing on good to others?  If so, as you being inspired by others you can live in such a way that you inspire those in your sphere of influence.  Inspirati...

After Easter

Today is the day after Easter. Some of us are basking with the memories of a good day filled with worship and family time. Children may still be filled with excitement (and sugar highs) over treats from the Easter basket.  This Monday might also find us feeling a little let down, the newness of our Easter clothes has faded, the excitement and planning of the holiday now passed and our lives back to the same old grind.  Our family's Easter was wonderful. The week before was filled with planning for activities at church and a large family gathering. Easter Sunday began early and was a day full of blessings that included worship, family time together and a wonderful lunch. This family picture was the only one captured to savor the memory of the day. With a family of three sons, picture taking is not on their agenda, especially while still in church clothes and lunch waiting on them!     For the Christian, the death, burial and Resurrection are ...