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Your Love Will Turn the Key

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor, water and nature

"If you give a little more then you're asking for your love will turn the key." If you grew up in the 70s era, you can probably sing the words right along with the Bee Gees. On my morning runs, I fill my heart with doses of preaching or inspirational encouragement. Usually on the last mile, I let Pandora music bring me home. 

Winding down from a run, I sang along with this song. Just days from coming home for a romantic mini vacation, the song flowed from the heart and brought a smile to my face as I realized the truth of the words. 

Sweet hubby and I will celebrate 30 years of marriage next month. Along with that wonderful milestone we are looking at the empty nest as the youngest of our sons is graduating with college plans in the fall. The transition to the empty nest is upon us as we spend most evenings alone. The years of ball games, travel ball tournaments, jam packed schedules have faded away. The kids are busy with school and work but no longer 'need' us as they did in the past. We're learning to embrace the quietness and focus on things being just the two of us. 

One of those transitions involves vacations. We recently decided to go to the beach for a few days, just the two of us. A perfect condo was found with a fantastic view. Hours were spent sitting on the balcony reading, eating and simply gazing at the ocean. Early mornings were the best. I've always loved sunrise at the beach and would plan to get up and out to catch the sunrise. This year, while the coffee was brewing, I opened the curtains and the stillness and expectation of a new day greeted me. Days were spent sitting together on the beach, not having to be alert to where the kids were. Leisurely walks were taken without worry of what the kids were doing. Family vacations were wonderful and our hearts cherished memories of our boys playing in the sand, swimming, riding waves. But this new season is pretty good too!

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, tree, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, water and outdoor

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor, water and nature

Concentrating on the upcoming empty nest and time together directs our focus more to each other. In the craziness of raising children family focus is often broad. There is so much to do, places to be and things to keep on top of. Through the slower pace of life, it becomes easier to consider each other. Truly that is a great key to a good marriage, learning or re-learning what is important to the other one, being ready to love, serve and extend kindness to. "If you give a little more than you're asking for, your love will turn the key." The key to each other's hearts is a precious and valuable thing. What a beautiful gift marriage can be. As such a gift from God, it needs to be nurtured and tended to. The seasons of life change, children join the family, add their own source of joy and blessing, than as God intended, leave the nest to become independent adults. Then, there remains 2- with the vow in place 'til death do us part'. When we're in it for the long haul, let's make the most of it!

Image may contain: 1 person, ocean, sky, sunglasses, beach, cloud, outdoor, water, nature and closeup


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