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Desperate Times Call for Desperate Prayers

Prayer - such a vast and deep subject that can scale from the heights of desperation to a whisper of thanksgiving. In our minds we tend to make prayer complicated, but it is truly a conversation with God. Prayer is a method of communication with God. It is not an item to check off our Christian to-do list, but a wonderful priviledge to call upon the Lord and have the assurance that He hears and answers our prayers. 

There are many kinds of prayers from panic to provision, crisis to contentment, asking God to move as only He can in situations. Prayer is personal, although there are times to pray with others and in a community setting, the most precious times are when we set aside the cares of the day, still our hearts and pray. 

Of course in prayer we cover our selves, our families, friends and situations we are concerned about.  But a quick look at the news shows our country facing extreme challenges such as:

  • Political division
  • Economic hardship
  • Medical crisis
  • Personal and corporate devastation
  • Erosion of biblical values
Throughout the  month of October, I am participating in a prayer challenge called Cry Out. It is a daily prayer topic that encompasses the current needs of our nation. Click Here for more details or to particpate. 

Through this challenge, I found a "Five Finger Prayer" that is a simple way to remember how to cover a variety of needs in prayer. Here's how it works: 

 Hold out your hand as you pray using each of your five fingers as a guide.

Thumb: Pray for family and friends. Your thumb is the closest to your heart. So start here by praying for those closest to you.

Index finger: Pray for those who teach and guide. The index or pointer finger is used to give directions. Pray for people who lead, teach, and give guidance.

Middle finger: Pray for leaders. This is your tallest finger and reminds us to pray for those in charge. Pray for the government and leaders around you.

Ring finger: Pray for those in need. Your ring finger (the fourth finger) is your weakest finger. This one reminds us to pray for the weak and needy, especially those who are spiritually poor without Christ

Pinkie finger: Pray for yourself. The last finger, the pinkie, is your smallest finger. This one's for you. Now that you have prayed for everyone else, spend time praying for yourself. Consider your needs in relation to the others you’ve just prayed for. 

There is no perfect method of prayer. Think of your children and how it simply brings delight to hear their voice and their desire to talk to you. God is our loving Father and delights to hear and answer our prayer. Will you make time this week to Cry Out and open your heart for God to change our lives, families, community and world? 


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