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Falling for Home

Nothing says cozy like a home filled with the presence of fall. There is just something about fall that makes our homes more inviting, warm and welcoming. In my opinion, fall makes everything feel and look better! 

I LOVE the season of fall and one of the highlights in my home is decorating for the season. I've been accused of putting fall decor out too early (never!), but I love what it brings to the home. Granted, this love for fall decor can take one down a trail of excess. For years, I would browse the fall section of every store and grab whatever looked good to me and find a place to put it. Sometimes, you can have too much fall!

Through the years, my decorating has changed from buying it all and trying to find a place for it, to pausing and allowing fall to be a beautiful balance. Our fall homes can be experienced through each of our senses. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch. Simply filling the home with fall decor may be pretty, but day in and out can become clutter and unorganized. Addng a touch of fall scents, a cozy blanket, soft music and a pumpkin snack brings an irresistable taste of fall to our home that can be experienced and etched in our memories as what represents fall to our family. 

A recent article found at The Nester gave some valuable input on preparing for a fall home.

1. Choose a fall color story 

Instead of my previous method of buying whatever looks good to me, I'm learning to pause and hone in on what colors to incorporate into my fall decor. Themes are a great way to keep a simple decorating flow through the home. This year, I picked black and white buffalo check.  It flows easily with my year round colors of turquise and brown and placed in various spots around the house brings a beautiful uniformity. 

In general, there are three common fall color stories that people seem to gravitate to. 

  • neutrals
  • yellows, oranges, reds and rusts
  • fall pastels: purples, eggplant, muddy green

2. Shop your house and yard 

One of my biggest mistakes, was shopping before I knew what I already had. Take stock of what you have that can be used. Walk around your house and see if there’s anything stacked on a shelf, folded away in a linen closet, or tucked behind something else that feels fall-ish that you could pull forward, keeping in mind your fall color story. 

3. Make a list 

It’s so simple, but making a list makes such a difference in keeping on track and focused and avoiding shopping overload. 
Once you work through steps one and two, it’s easier to know what you might be missing in your house and more specifically, what exactly you are looking for.  In my list, I mark where an item is needed - coffee table, end table, dining area or shelf etc.  If you can, bring in color in low commitment colors with things that will  be used anyway. If adding oranges and reds to the  fall color story, look for orange candles, a rusty red set of tea towels, pillows and throws that we can be used all fall that reiterate the fall color story.

Fall decorating doesn't need to be complicated or expensive. Setting our mind on creating the atmosphere of the home and what brings joy to our family will personalize our homes and make them unique. The main purpose is to feel "Welcome Home" as we enter in. 


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