As much as I love New Year's Day and the exhilaration of a fresh new year, the month of January can also be pretty special.
As the weeks go by this month, goals pop up in the mind and if we are serious about making a change, the goal goes to paper. But, if the goal or change is to stick, it must be practiced and developed.
As many shared the feeling of being happy to see 2020 leave, I've taken a pause to look at it from the other side. Through the year, a lesson was learned that there is really not much under our own control. The things I loved and faithfully practiced were simply wiped away. Church meetings, my job, relationships, hospitality, even the health I make a priority couldn't stand up to the challenges of the year.
Looking at several months of 2020, grief, sickness, loss, fear, chaos and politics were constantly in front of us. It was through faith that while our world seemed to be falling apart, we trusted that God was still in control. The circumstances may not change, but God does in work in the heart even in midst of chaos. Day by day as we continued through the year, He kept us, and now, here we are on the other side. We may be changed, bruised or battered, but we are here. We made it through to the other side.
2021 promises to be hold it's own challenges, but looking back at 2020 from the other side, there are some valuable lessons to carry along to equip us. Relationships matter and are worth the effort to maintain, even if we have to get creative about connecting. Faith and hope aren't simply words, but life giving and life changing qualities. Instead of complaining about isolation, we can make the most of it. Learn something new, spend quiet time seeking God and asking Him to do the work in you that will equip and prepare you for the future. Find the silver lining and do not take anything for granted. Communicate well and learn to do it in different ways. Let love guide all you do.
As we travel through circumstances of life, God will make sure nothing is wasted. Our experiences and journey to the other side of them can be a help and encouragement for others. No matter how small, share with victory as you make your way through to the other side.
Beginning 2021, I want to make it a year of life changes. Nothing drastic to be done, but a heart that is set upon seeking the direction of the Lord. Understanding that the words I speak and write when guided by Him, have the power to be life-changing. As we allow God to mold us and make us like Him, our vision changes. How does He see others - each one is a person created by God and has value. What does He see in each one that could be sought out and refined? Nuggets of gold often need to be dug out of the dirt. Actions matter, faithfulness to our word makes a statement. When we seek God to do a work in us and through us, nothing is impossible for Him.
There is no room for pretentious relationships, or vain appearances. Be genuine and be there for others. Let's take the lessons learned last year and apply them and make 2021 a Life Changing year.
P.S. A podcast this morning filled my heart with hope for the days ahead. Here are a few quotes...
"Because as dark as it gets, God is at work. God is on His throne. God is still accomplishing His purposes. The world, our world, our country, desperately needs for the people of God to be light in the darkness."
"The problems we are facing are not going to be solved by any political party, nor are they going to be solved by science or by any other human efforts. These are problems that require diving intervention. That’s why this is a time for us to cry out to the Lord and to pray as we have never prayed before."
"Heaven rules. Heaven has ruled all throughout 2020 and every year that preceded it. Heaven still rules in 2021. There is no power of evil, there is no darkness that can sabotage God’s redemptive story and plan. Heaven rules."
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