Labor Day is set aside to celebrate the value and dignity of work. The Bible has some concrete things to teach us about work. Work is not a curse, but part of our created purpose so that we can serve God. By design, work brings various benefits to others and us.
1. Work is a gift from God.
Since the beginning, work has been part of God’s plan for humanity. He created it. That means you can view the act of working as a gift, even if you don’t love your job. It is not only the working of our hands, but the attitude of our heart.
2. Those who are able to work should do so.
Both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible speak highly of work and condemn laziness.
*Billy Graham commented on this subject by adding “Please note that this wasn’t spoken to people who couldn’t find jobs. This was instead directed at people who had every opportunity to work—but refused to do so.”
3. Work like God is your boss.
The Apostle Paul said, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:23-24).
Just as God created work, He also created rest. Billy Graham wrote, “Our work was never meant to become the center of our lives. That place belongs only to God. God set apart the 7th day for Israel as a day of rest. This was to be for their good, not a burden to them. Everyone and every animal to rest. It was to be a day of remembrance, reflection, and refocus.
5. Good Work is a reflection of God.
Faithful Christian workers adorn the doctrine of God. Reflect the very character of Godin things such as goodness, honesty, faithfulness and integrity.
God does not produce junk, we shouldn’t either. God is creative, beautiful, as we should be as well. We reflect goodness, excellence, beauty of God in how we work. In all of our tasks, jobs, our work is service to God.
As we ponder these Scriptural truths, may today be a day of rest and appreciation for the availability and ability to work.
Work hard, rest well and glorify our God in all that you do! Be good to one another, always stay humble… always stay kind.
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