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National Son's Day and the Best Gift for Your Boys

 This weekend, my social media feed was filled with beautiful pictures of my friends and their daughters. Sweet smiles, gushing words full of emotion and love and an overload of sweetness. Turns out it was National Daughters Day.  

Our family was blessed with 3 sons and we don't have a clue about a home filled with ruffles, frills or dainty things. Our home was loud, fast and active! 

So today is National Son's Day, and I was ready to share a post of my boys!  Each of our boys are now adults, living away from home and making a life for themselves. We couldn't be more proud of the men they have become. National Son's Day gave an opportunity to reflect back on the days when they were young and the wonderful memories I cherish. The sweet baby boy years where they loved to snuggle. The childhood years where we cheered them on at the ball field, the teenage years where they kept a mama on her knees in prayer. Now as men they are responsible, self reliant and making their mark in the world. How fast the years flew by!  

One timeless practice we continue is to pray for our sons daily. Prayer is the greatest gift a mother can give and it is a gift that never fades away or loses its power. Through the years I have kept notebooks on praying for our sons, daily reminders and Bible verses. So, how appropriate today, on National Son's Day, to share a few ways to pray for our sons. 

1 Create in my son a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within him (Psalm 51:10).

2. May my son walk after You, God, and fear You and keep Your commandments and obey Your voice. May he serve You and hold fast to You (Deuteronomy 13:4).

3. May my son be strong and courageous and not fear or be in dread, for it is You, Lord, our God, who goes with him. You will never leave him or forsake him (Deuteronomy 31:6).

4. May my son walk before You, God, as King David walked, with integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that You have commanded him and keeping Your statutes and rules (1 Kings 9:4).

5. May my son be an example to believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).

6. May my son listen to the way of wisdom and be led in the paths of uprightness (Proverbs 

7. Lord, be with my son in trouble; rescue him and honor him (Psalm 91:5).

8. May my son honor his father and mother… (Ephesians 6:2).

9. May my son have love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith (1 Timothy 1:5).

10. May my son think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is commendable; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, may he think about these things (Philippians 4:8).

When the boys become men, they still need our prayers. Here are 10 Prayers for Your Grown Children. 

Happy National Son's Day! You might want to share a few sappy words of love, but do make sure to feed those boys well today! 


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