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A Woman After God's Own Heart

 Becoming a woman after God's own heart - isn't that a wonderful aspiration for the New Year?

This has actually been a driving point for my life for many years. There is no 'attaining point' in this aspiration, but it is a journey filled with hope, times of discouragement and feelings of falling short, moments when life seems overwhelming, but there is always the vision that continually beckons. 

When the opportunity to join a study on the book "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George arose, I jumped on it! This book has been a source of inspiration in my life for many years. It truly shaped in my heart God's pattern for women and their roles as God's daughters, wives, mothers, friends etc. Is is a practical compass guided by God's Word to equip women to become all God created them to be. 

Continuing with my January focus of Read, Write, Meditate, I'm challenging myself to read this book, keep a handwritten journal and post here on the blog truths that speak to my heart and hopefully impact others as well. 

As women, we are natural doers. I love to have a job or task and work toward checking it off a list. The feeling of accomplishment is exhilarating! Often I fall into the trap of checking items off a to-do list and never looking back or reflecting. Daily scripture reading or inspirational devotions can fall into that category, they can be read in the morning and often, once the day is in full swing, those words which could bring direction and help are not within reach. After reading, writing, reflecting and meditating keeps those words alive and close in the mind and heart. 

This book begins with a 'to-do' list:
  • To know Him
  • To love Him
  • To enrich the lives of others
  • To follow Him
  • To enjoy the blessings He extends to us.

No woman's life could be more satisfying than the life enjoyed by a woman after His own heart. But this is a path to daily travel. It is a path of 'Disciplined Grace'.

It is Discipline, because there is work for us to do. It is Grace, because the life of God which we enter into is a gift which we can never earn...Discipline in and of itself does not make us righteous, it merely places us before God. The transformation is God's work. 

I hope you will stay connected as we journey through this book together! 

May the Lord give you hope and faith in godly resolutions in this new year. With His leading and power and grace, may you know that you can accomplish anything—and all things!  


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