Friday favorites cause me to pause and look back on the week and pay attention to the blessings God brought. It is so easy to move so quickly from one day to the next oblivious to how good God has been.
This week found us on the road to 2 routine doctor visits, each over an hour away. It shuffled our work schedules and several times through week, we had to pause and reflect what day it was!
Friday arrived and I attended an early morning fitness class. Mornings are my favorite time of the day and sunrises always bring joy to my heart. When class was over, we observed a beautiful sunrise and took advantage of a fun photo opportunity!
Driving home, the sunrise was spectacular from the different angles. Pondering the beauty, I realized that clouds make a sunrise more glorious. Pure blue sky and bright sun are beautiful, but sprinkle some clouds in and the colors become more vivid and unique.
In our lives, every day is not a bright sunshiny day. There are cloudy days, rainy days, dark and dreary days. When the sun rises through the clouds, it's brightness dispels darkness and creates something beautiful. Colors and shapes work together - bad days and hard circumstances will change - the sun will shine and when we look to the SON - He creates something beautiful from our chaos.
My week was also filled with stressful moments, Times when trusting in God to move was the only solution. Hard days peppered the week. Back and forth, a problem arose, a blessing came, but the underlying foundation of trusting God upheld through it all.
Finally on Friday, a doctor's appt was in the town one of our sons lives in. Dinner with those we hold closest to our heart bring a beautiful close to any week!
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