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At the Well - The Words We Speak

Today At the Well is hosted by Laurie Ann over at

A Magnolia's Heartbeat

The Topic:
The Words We Speak
Discussion Questions:
Do the words you speak reflect your reverence for Christ?

Would you consider your speech to be self-controlled and pure?

Do you find gossip and slander hard or easy to avoid?

I am so excited about this topic! This is something very dear to me heart - our words. This is a characteristic or attribute that is one of the most desired in my life. To have godly speech. It is also an area where I struggle the most. The more I read the Word of God, the more I am convinced of the great power of words. Proverbs is full of wisdom about our words. Here is briefly highlighted some of my favorite Proverbs about the power of words:

The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life,
In the lips of him that hath understanding, wisdom is found,
The tongue of the just is as choice silver,
A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth...
the tongue of the wise is health,
Death and life are in the power of the tongue..
Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop, but a good word maketh it right,
...the lips of the wise shall preserve them,
...the words of the pure are pleasant words,
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the sol and health to the bones,
...but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel,
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver,
and my favorite: She openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Now: Do the words you speak reflect your reverence for Christ?
I want them to...but many times, complaining, nagging, negative emotions spew forth. The words of our mouth are a direct reflection of what is in our heart. If I spend time each day in God's Word, seeking His ways, that is what will fill my heart and come out in my words and attitude. If I choose to neglect that precious time, my own thoughts will enter my heart and then exit in words that may not reflect a reverence for Christ.

Would you consider your speech to be self-controlled and pure?
Mostly...there are always times that hit you unexpectedly, times when you are "bumped" and what spills out may not be pure or self-controlled. Again, what we are filled with will be what spills out. Times like driving in traffic with rude drivers, grocery store or other lines where we are cut off or short tempered, when we are spoken to roughly or rudely by someone.
James admonishes us to "be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath". If this truth is locked in my heart, I can train myself to listen more and wait before speaking and that will bring about more self controlled and pure speech.

Do you find gossip and slander hard or easy to avoid?
Did this one have to come up??!!! I try very hard to avoid gossip or slander. However with my peaceful disposition, it is easy to fall prey to "simply listening" which is just as bad as doing the actual gossipping. A solution for this is to stay away from "hot spots" and/or keep the conversation upbeat and away from gossip.

I am looking forward to joining At the Well to visit and be encouraged by this wonderful topic.


  1. Thank you for sharing AT THE WELL today. I, also find that if I don't spend time in His Word and in His presence - my lips will flap much more easily. When we think upon God constantly, I find I have ALOT more restraint. But I am human also and so many times I fail. But thank God He picks me up, shakes me off and gives me another chance! Thanks for stopping by my post and it was great to see you AT THE WELL today. -Blessings, Laurie

  2. Ohhhhhhhhh, why'dya have to go and mention complaining and whining? Yes, that is a BIGGIE. I get so tired of my kids doing it, and yet, I know it is an area in which I least in my heart. And what is in my heart will eventually come out of my mouth, so...anyway, great post, and I love the verses you chose to highlight as well.

  3. I'm so glad you joined us At the Well and shared what you did. I find that I fall into a trap of listening, too, regarding gossip. I also find that He's so forgiving and is so quick to help us again and again until we get it right. Loved your post! It was great!

  4. Joyfull,

    You crack me up! I was actually, just thinking this very exact thing you said:

    "Did this one have to come up??!!! I try very hard to avoid gossip or slander. However with my peaceful disposition, it is easy to fall prey to "simply listening" which is just as bad as doing the actual gossipping. A solution for this is to stay away from "hot spots" and/or keep the conversation upbeat and away from gossip."

    Just "listening" to gossip is really another way of participating in it!

    Very well said, sister!

    Bless you!

  5. great post! it's interesting to read everyone's response on this!

  6. "It is easy to fall prey to "simply listening" which is just as bad as doing the actual gossipping. A solution for this is to stay away from "hot spots" and/or keep the conversation upbeat and away from gossip."

    So true! I confess that sometimes I think, well I'm not adding to the conversation, so it's OK just to listen as long as I don't spread it around. It isn't OK though, it puts sin in our hearts and minds and we are participating just the same. Thanks for the great reminder of another way to stay away from gossip.

  7. What a great point...I'm not tempted often to GOSSIP...but you made such a great point..."it is easy to fall prey to "simply listening" which is just as bad as doing the actual gossipping. A solution for this is to stay away from "hot spots" and/or keep the conversation upbeat and away from gossip."

    How true...and a wonderful reminder for me...

  8. When I read, "there are always times that hit you unexpectedly, times when you are "bumped" and what spills out may not be pure or self-controlled." I could really picture that cup of coffee that gets bumped and some spills out (usually on my shirt). It is a visual reminder that I need to be filled up with God's spirit so that is what spills over. GREAT analogy!


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