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Boost Your Metabolism ...

One of the surest ways to be at a healthy weight and lifestyle is to balance the scale of eating vs activity. Of course you want the tip the scale towards activity, meaning everything that is eaten will be used for energy and if there is extra, it will burn up some of the extra fat in the body.
The body's metabolism is the motor that runs all day to keep the calories burning. A sluggish metabolism means the body is not utilizing all the consumed calories, but an active metabolism uses the calories and then begins to burn fat more effectively.

Here are a few tips to keep the metabolism high and keeping the body busy and productive:

1. Get some sunlight: Catching some morning sunlight rays helps regulate your body's internal clock so that you will have more energy during the day and sleep better at night. Sunlight is also a great source of Vitamin D which is good for the metabolism. Use caution though and limit the exposure to sun to a few minutes a day.

2. Eat a good breakfast: A balanced breakfast containing protein and carbohydrates help keep you feeling full longer and gets your metabolism started and running through the day.

3. Have a cup: A hot morning beverage can raise your metabolism by up to 5%. Keeping cream and sugar to a minimum helps ensure the benefits without overloading on extra calories.

4. Take the long way: Make a deliberate effort to keep moving through the day. Taking the stairs, walking longer in the parking lot, etc. can keep your metabolism at a higher level through the day.

5. Snack on nuts: Nuts may be high in calories, but are also full of nutrients and healthy fats. Eating a handful of nuts for a snack keeps your metabolism high and keeps you feeling fuller longer.

6. Snack wisely: Snacking on protein snacks (nuts, cheese, yogurt etc.), fruits or raw vegetables fills you up and adds fiber and nutrients to your body. Unwise snacks - cookies, cakes, chips, etc. only add extra calories with little nutritional benefit.

7. Watch the nighttime snacks: The body's metabolism naturally slows down at night. Make wise choices for dinner and nighttime snacks help avoid extra calories that won't be burnt off. Try to practice eating the last thing at least two hours before bed.

8. Get adequate rest: While you're asleep, your body is hard at work producing hormones responsible for weight loss, muscle gain, and glucose metabolism. In the evening, do something to help relieve the stresses of the day which can interfere with a good night's sleep. Try to avoid the television and/or computer screens. Bright lights, including those from computer screens, can interfere with your body's production of melatonin, an antioxidant hormone that builds up in the evening and helps you sleep.

Tips taken from Boost Your Metabolism All Day.


  1. Great tips...I really struggle with the breakfast. I hear it all the time and I know it is good for me - but I have to make myself it breakfast. I know its best, though.


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