"But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 The journey to becoming A Woman After God's Own Heart begins with a heart devoted to God. Jesus told a story of 2 sisters - Mary and Martha. Jesus and His disciples arrived at the sister's home for a meal. Martha was consumed by the preparations of the event, the effort it took and the numerous details that this meal would entail. Jesus was coming - it had to be perfect! (I can so relate to her!). But, Martha failed to discern the priority and importance of time with God. Martha was so busy doing things FOR the Lord that she failed to spend time WITH Him. But Mary chose the one thing needed, she put worship on the top of her to-do list. She chose the one thing needed. She knew nothing could take the place of time in God's presence. Time spent hearing and worshiping God can never be taken away, for it is time spent in eternal pursuits, time that earns perman...