Summer highlights for our family include a few soccer tournaments with our youngest son and a week of working in children's church camp. When plans were being made, the impact of these dates being back to back didn't seem too important. weekend spent out of town, followed by leaving the next day for camp, home to get a days work in at my job, followed by another day of soccer left me a bit off balance, tired, cranky and irritable!! During the activities, we had a great time!! Here is my soccer boy and my cabin of girl campers!! The first full day at home was Sunday. It felt so good to be home surrounded by what was familiar and dear! Almost automatically, I began to do some of those 'homey' things that help me regroup. Before time to leave for church, a roast was ready for the oven, potatoes were cooked and ready to be mashed and a loaf of homemade bread was baking. What a beautiful time it was in the kitchen 'going back...