Recently on a blog I was reading (I can't remember which one, it was over a week ago - need I say more??!!) the writer stated her purpose for the blog. I have pondered her words in my heart and asked myself the same question - what is the purpose of this blog, what goals or vision do I have for it? One of the main reasons this blog started was to encourage other Christian women in their God-given roles of wife, mother and keeper of the home. Christian womanhood is a subject I am passionate about. The most exciting aspect of this subject is what God in His infinite grace did in my heart, life and home and I want to share with others. By sharing on these subjects my intention is not done in the manner that I am good at this or you should do it this way...but it along the lines of God changed my heart, enabled me to see things His way and that these changes result in good actions. Also I hope this is an encouragement that if God can make these changes and produce these results in me -...