Most people know there are certain times to make a purchase that will maxamize the bargain. Certain seasons and times of the year, particular products are marked down to the lowest price of the year. Free compliles a guide The Best Time To Buy Guilde with the best times to buy over 75 products. Here are a few of the best things to buy as we approach the fall season. Swim Suits Every women above a size six knows there's really no good time to deal with the nightmare of finding a swimsuit that looks good and fits. The rest of humanity should wait until the end of summer, when crowds at pools and beaches begin to thin out. Best time to buy a swimsuit: August and September China and Flatware If you don't mind buying last-season's patterns, shop after Christmas and the wedding season. Best time to buy china and flatware: March and September Patio Furniture Wait until the first week after summer ends to buy your patio furniture. Stores like Walmart ...